Image via Smart Girl Club

While early reviews have lauded the ‘prescience’ of the group’s fierce critique of anti-black state violence and criminalization—epitomized by its de facto theme song “F– Tha Police”—they fail to highlight how the group’s multi-million dollar empire was built on black women’s backs.”

Straight Outta Rape Culture by Sikivu Hutchinson

Perspectives, people…

Anyone else over all the hyper-consumerism? Are you aware of it? Or how about Feminism? Can we imagine another call for rebalancing – one around the planet that doesn’t exclude anyone, yet still acknowledges and moves on from all the domination – maybe we call it Pachamamaism? No, you say? Suggest something else! Let’s discuss. Or how about how they call us – the children of great migrations and coveted, stolen-from cultures from those benefiting off it – marginalized? Or how we let them let us call ourselves marginalized, the most dangerous part…

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, just the smell of some seismic shifts ahead for us. And they begin? Within. Thinking of a master plan, invested in new paradigms while playing your game para dimes…all powers to all peoples. New people.