Photo by Raka Pitufo

Nati worked with pioneering Panamanian-born, Oakland-based bilingual and bicultural  duo Los Rakas from Summer 2010 to Winter 2015 – first handling publicity for their viral and Bay Area cult classic “Soy Raka” – which developed into leading marketing and street team efforts; eventually co-managing the group in 2014, culminating with their Coachella booking.

On the publicity front, Nati secured pioneering placements in publications like SPIN, NPR, the FADERSirius XM’s “Sway In The Morning” and PRI’s The World which honored their complicated position in the US hip-hop scene as black Spanish-dominate rappers who told their story unapologetically.

On the marketing front, Nati  nurtured and supported partnerships with Converse, Mountain Dew’s Green Label and Hennessy. Besides Coachella, Nati booked the band in Europe for the Afro-Latino Festival the Brooklyn Museum’s First Saturday & NYC’s Summerstage in Central Park, connected the band with top-notch legal representation and led the effort to build their international network of “Rakas” shouting “Soy Raka” all across the digital and literal universe.

Follow the group as they continue their journey: