Soooo…I’ve been working as publicist, digital media and business development partner for a gem of a bookstore in North East LA, called IMIX BOOKS.

While here, I’ve not only been exposed to some amazing books and the indie publishing world, but also some vibrant children’s books.  Who says they are only for children?  I’ve reflected on my own childhood reads; I’ve laughed, cried and have been lost in the wonder of many of the illustrations.

FLASHBACK: I was a finalist for a city-wide pop-up book contest in New York City.  I wish I had the book still, but the story was about a cunning chameleon who could blend into his surroundings.  Have been thinking about resurrecting the concept…vamos a ver!

Mis favoritos:

“Dear Primo” – by Mexico City-born, Parson’s educated Duncan Tonatiuh, beautifully illustrates the transnational relationship between two cousins; one in rural Mexico and the other in urban New York City.  Can’t get enough of this book!

“The Night Eater” by Ana Juan (she did the popular children’s book “Frida” which I love too!)

Here’s the sum of the book from the Publisher, Arthur A Levine Books – “Every morning the Night Eater runs through the sky, gobbling up the darkness. He eats cloudy nights as light as cotton candy, and deep dark nights that taste of bitter chocolate. His favorites are bright clear nights, with stars that tickle his nose as he swallows.”

The illustrations are bright, vivid and dream-like – simply unlike any book I’ve seen.

Melanie Watt‘s ‘Scaredy Squirrel’ series has me laughing in stiches on several occasions.  Scaredy is such a metaphor for all our fears, but it’s once he leaps into the unknown, he discovers something really uplifting…

Damn!  Seems Melanie has written a book called “Leon the Chameleon”...thankfully, it’s not a pop-up – so there’s still hope!

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