Check out this amazing post called ‘I want to be like Bobbito Garcia‘ from my friend, Rolando Brown aka Grow (pictured below).

Bobbito has been an inspiration + mentor of mine for over 5 years now.  Constant support, inspiration, encouragement + guidance.  We all need guardian angels, right?  If you don’t know of Bob’s contributions to HIP HOP culture…then you should CATCH UP HERE.

The joy and hate-free-ness with which he lives his life + supports art and his passions inspire me in the face of a cold world that often throws everything BUT that in your face.  I know that personal-success and fulfillment  (and yes, CHANGE) can be had in a hate-free, non-egomaniacal, way – and that’s because of my friendship with Bob.  Truly a renaissance man.

Rolando puts it well:

Bob has fun. Bob loves music. Bob travels. Bob understands the importance of strong local and global culture.  Bob dances. Bob contributes. Bob knows how to fights, and Bob spreads love. Period.”

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