Rambled about ownership & cultural production recently in Sounding Out!: The Sound Studies Blog​ talking Justin Bieber​, Los Rakas​, all the things I’m learning from overcoming the fear to do radio in this body via working on Radio Coyote​ y más! Have any feedback? Thank you to Santa Perversa​ for connecting me with the Sounding Out! squad a few years back. I look forward to writing more as my thoughts continue to develop on these subjects…


Radio Coyote is a San Francisco-based web radio program & podcast I co-host with my friend Jesus Varela, aka Sweet Jesus.  Radio Coyote is our effort at amplifying expression which is #DIASPORADICAL – acknowledging movement and humanity in a world alive with ART; most especially of those on the margins who in the current structure, have become the invisible inspiration for the priviliged, hardly benefiting from the soul they emit.”